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Savage Swarm

Drawn to light like many of their less-destructive relatives, this unstoppable swarm of insectoids is composed of all manner of mutated insects that appear intent on demolishing anything even slightly luminescent. The Savage Swarm quickly and completely devastates everything in its path as it sweeps across the countryside, and few effective deterrents to the giant bugs have been discovered. Of course, there’s always good old-fashioned firepower and grim determination. Reasoning with the swarm is as effective as reasoning with other insects, and all efforts to eradicate them have failed to even contain their numbers, much less reduce them. The insects appear to be endowed with super-powered reproductive capabilities and can replace the swarm’s losses within days, if not instantly. Today’s children no longer want nightlights to keep nightmares at bay—they are far more afraid of what those shining beacons might attract…



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savage_swarm/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/04 07:31 by admin