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Mollock Brute

Among the Subterrans, the mollocks are a caste of battle-ready warriors noted for their ferocity and fearlessness. After being surgically equipped with prosthetic grinders and drills, the greater tyrants send mollocks to the surface to murder and destroy. Mollock brutes display a wider array of machined replacements geared toward melee confrontations. Berserkers erupt from the ground to startle and flank foes and enter a frenzied trance-like state until no foes remain.

Destroyers - This model may be played in any list with the Destroyers agenda

Faction - Subterran Uprising

Model Type - Unit

Special Rules


Cloak - This model cannot be targeted by blast attacks made by a model more than two spaces away.

Demolisher - When this model makes an attack, gain +1 Power Die for every building destroyed as a result of its attack.

Cost SPD DEF High Mobility
1 5 3 Yes
Attack Type RNG Dice Weapon Rules
Brawl 2 + 1


Cloak - This model cannot be targeted by blast attacks made by a model more than two spaces away.

Demolisher - When this model makes an attack, gain +1 Power Die for every building destroyed as a result of its attack.

Commander: Mollock Brute - Allied Mollock Brute grunt units within two spaces of this unit gain +1 Boost Die when participating in brawl or blast attacks.

Cost SPD DEF High Mobility
2 5 3 Yes
Attack Type RNG Dice Weapon Rules
Brawl 2 + 2


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Rules Interactions

mollock_brute/start.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/04/28 15:46 by admin