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Arctic Armodax

These are the pre-release rules. This model was part of the Mythic Kickstarter which has been significantly delayed. It is available in the Tabletop Simulator mod. Many tournament organizers will allow you to represent this model on the table using the appropriate conversion rules from the Crush Hour packet, but always ask beforehand to avoid any conflicts.

Protectors - This model may be played in any list with the Protectors agenda

Faction - Terrasaurs

Model Type - Monster

Special Rules


Action: Ice Age - During your Monster Activation, this model can spend 1 Action Die to perform an Ice Age action. Place a Glacier in play following its Build rule.

Icy Pathway - This model and other allied Faction models that begin their advance within 2 spaces of a Glacier gain +1 SPD

Stalwart - This monster can only be moved during your opponent's turn as part of a Body Slam or Throw power attack.

HP SPD DEF High Mobility
13 ⇒ 8 5 8 No
Attack Type RNG Dice Weapons Rules
Brawl 5 + 4 Energy Sap - If this attack hits an enemy monster, your opponent must move one Action Die from their Monster Pool to their Unit Pool.
Blast 4 5 + 4 Energy Sap - If this attack hits an enemy monster, your opponent must move one Action Die from their Monster Pool to their Unit Pool.
Power 5 + 3 Energy Sap - If this attack hits an enemy monster, your opponent must move one Action Die from their Monster Pool to their Unit Pool.


Action: Ice Age - During your Monster Activation, this model can spend 1 Action Die to perform an Ice Age action. Place a Glacier in play following its Build rule.

Frozen Solid - Once per turn, when an allied monster hits an enemy monster adjacent to a Glacier, the attack does Super Damage.

Icy Pathway - This model and other allied Faction models that begin their advance within 2 spaces of a Glacier gain +1 SPD

Stalwart - This monster can only be moved during your opponent's turn as part of a Body Slam or Throw power attack.

HP SPD DEF High Mobility
7 ⇒ 0 5 8 No
Attack Type RNG Dice Weapons Rules
Brawl 6 + 5 Energy Sap - If this attack hits an enemy monster, your opponent must move one Action Die from their Monster Pool to their Unit Pool.
Follow Through (Blast) - If this attack hits, immediately after the attack is resolved, advance this model up to three spaces. Then, this model can make a blast attack. An attack generated by Follow Through cannot generate another attack.
Blast 4 6 + 5 Energy Sap - If this attack hits an enemy monster, your opponent must move one Action Die from their Monster Pool to their Unit Pool.
Power 6 + 5 Energy Sap - If this attack hits an enemy monster, your opponent must move one Action Die from their Monster Pool to their Unit Pool.


Model Type - Asset

Special Rules

Build: Glacier - Place one Glacier in play in any unoccupied space adjacent to Arctic Armodax without an objective or foundation.

Exclusive [Arctic Armodax] - This model can only be built by Arctic Armodax.

Crushable - A monster may end an advance on this model by spending one Action Die. If the monster does, destroy this model.



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List Building

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Rules Interactions

arctic_armodax/arctic_armodax.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/05 06:11 by admin